Great customer experience begins on the store shelf


    Before a customer buys your products, they have interactions and experiences with both your brand and product. The packaging and label design can decide whether that experience turns out to be good or bad.

    Topics: Label design, Label Printing Kenya, Labels Kenya, Label Printing Africa, Labels Africa

    Supply Chain Resiliency for brand owners in 2022


    As we are all aware, the strong demand for self-adhesive and filmic materials across various sectors – in combination with substantial increase of energy cost as well as interruptions and bottlenecks in supply and global logistics – has led to increased pressure on availability and pricing in the labelling and packaging market. How does that affect you as a brand owner?

    Topics: Label Printing Kenya, Label manufacturer Kenya

    About The Skanem Blog Africa

    Keep up to date on the latest labelling and packaging trends and possibilities – from materials, colours and design – to branding, cost and supply chain optimization. Sustainability and innovation are strong driving forces for Skanem Africa, and we hope it’s an important part of your product development as well. We've gathered our industry experts to share practical experience on The Skanem Blog Africa to hopefully help you develop the very best label and packaging solutions for your products.


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