Printing digital information onto label materials, packaging, and products requires a seamless and well-functioning system. Many industries cannot do without one. And for some, it's required by law. VIP makes this process faster and improves quality, aiding both logistics and consumers in the long run.

In a competitive, fast-paced market, all aspects of a business are affected, including labelling processes. High-speed VIP (Variable Information Printing) can significantly enhance efficiency for any company, from small shops to large enterprises.

Application in various industries

The main function of VIP is to enable the Track and Trace function. Therefore, it is beneficial for any business that needs swift access to information from labels on material, packaging, and products.

Below you’ll find a brief overview of industry areas and sectors where the Thermal Transfer (TT) technology of VIP facilitates efficiency in day-to-day operations.

Delivery, logistics, and freight companies

Transporting materials and goods necessitates following the process from start to finish. This is where VIP is most commonly applied, mainly to barcodes on labels which provide essential information to manufacturers and producers.

In today’s fast-paced, digital environment, practically any business would need quick access to traceability data throughout the supply chain. Some of the most relevant industry sectors include electronics, automotive, textile, and supermarkets, to name a few.

Warehouse management

It’s hard to imagine a warehouse without a properly functioning and reliable tracking system. Inventory location, management, and other core tasks and processes are simplified using VIP.

For brand owners, this system makes tracking products throughout the manufacturing process more accessible. From raw material to production, to overseeing work in progress, and lastly, knowing when a product arrives at finished goods in preparation for delivery.

Fresh produce

A secondary usage area for VIP application is directly onto the packaging. This includes high-speed TT printing on flexible packaging, such as sugar or crisps. As stated in Kenya’s Food, drugs, and chemical substances act (Act. No CAP 254), printing lot numbers and ‘best before’ dates onto packaging is required by law on fresh produce products.

Remember that this type of information is crucial and needs to be visible and long-lasting. Currently, labelling standards for fresh produce in Kenya are not optimal and need improvement. Old processes are still widely used, such as inkjet coding. VIP is a much-needed solution to turn the trend, increasing labelling speed, traceability, duration, and quality.

Read more: How VIP can help your operations and compliance

Integration with existing ERP

A complete VIP system setup in-house will always be more beneficial than having multiple labelling systems. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Because VIP has multiple usage areas, you’ll gain a high level of flexibilityas a brand owner. For instance, there is no need to go through one process for inventory management and a second for delivery labels. Instead, you can combine both by scanning and printing updated information on demand.
  • Having a single, established provider for an end-to-end VIP solution is both time efficient and ensures quality. Trying to navigate the world of printers, machines, and supplies can be immensely time-consuming. Choosing the wrong ones will lead to mismatches that simply won’t give you the intended results.
  • In-house VIP is alsofinancially beneficial, particularly the savings you make on equipment. There is a cost of installing printers and some consumables to get going. After that, you only need to fill up supplies when necessary.

Read more: How much should your labels be able to endure?

Is VIP affordable for my brand?

When it comes to labelling, different brands have different needs and budgets. Not to mention, inflation and other fluctuations in the market only put additional strain on brands. As a brand owner, you have access to a range of 3 printing options:

  • Low volume printing (low cost, usually under $1000 + VAT)
  • Medium volume printing (medium cost, usually around $1500 + VAT)
  • High volume printing (high cost, usually $3500 dollars + VAT)

Skanem Africa provides permanent solutions and can offer advice on VIP labelling practices for your specific brand. This includes printers and supplies such as TT ribbons, labels, and printer heads. Download our free checklist to find out how you can further enhance your labels: