Environmental awareness remains one of the main trends among consumers. According to the EY Future Consumer Index, as many as 73% – across national and generational borders – believe that companies are responsible for participating in the fight against climate change. Many expect that suppliers and manufacturers try to be part of the solution – not the problem – and preferably prove it before ...
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Label manufacturer Kenya,
Sustainable label material,
Sustainable packaging Africa
One of our main priorities is to lift your labels to the next level. That is why we always strive to acquire and share new knowledge, resources, tools, and methods that will help your brand succeed. Here are some of our main takeaways from the past year – that will be just as important to keep in mind well into 2024.
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Label manufacturer Africa,
Labels Africa
Outlooks for the supply chain at the beginning of 2024 are looking bright – in nearly all areas. Overall, prices for chemicals remain stable, and there are no indications of increased freight costs. However, the cost of paper and filmic products is expected to rise.
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Label Supply Chain
Before a customer buys your products, they have interactions and experiences with both your brand and product. The packaging and label design can decide whether that experience turns out to be good or bad.
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Label design,
Label Printing Kenya,
Labels Kenya,
Label Printing Africa,
Labels Africa
A monomaterial is formed when the packaging is made of the same material as the label. So, remember – if the labelling material differs from the component, the packaging might not be recyclable. As a consequence, this threatens the circular economy.
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Recycling packaging Kenya,
Monomaterials Kenya,
Monomaterials Africa,
Sustainable packaging Africa,
Recycling packaging Africa
Optimizing efficiency levels isn’t always possible with a traditional labelling machine. You can save valuable time and streamline production processes by exchanging it for a modern, automated machine. Additionally, it can greatly improve your product’s visual appeal and minimize label material waste.
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Label manufacturer Africa,
Label Printing Africa,
Labels Africa
Matching products with the correct labelling materials isn’t always a straightforward process and varies between industries. Especially when the relation between cost and sustainability needs to be considered.
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Sustainable label material,
Label manufacturer Africa,
Labels Africa
Did you know that your packaging and label trigger the mental process needed to buy your product? Because they are the consumer's first encounter with your product, they directly influence the decision-making journey.
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Labels Kenya,
Label manufacturer Kenya,
Label manufacturer Africa,
Labels Africa
Following your label order should be simple and easily accessible anywhere, at any time. Our online tool – Siteline – lets you view your label library, approve label artwork, and track milestones in real time.
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Labels Kenya,
Label manufacturer Kenya,
Label manufacturer Africa,
Labels Africa
A label is the only part of your product that expresses what your brand stands for and how it can contribute to your betterment. It’s also the first level of contact consumers have with your product. What might seem like a mere piece of paper is your best opportunity to convey your brand’s message quickly and effectively.
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Label manufacturer Africa,
Label Printer Africa,
Labels Africa